Spring Masquerade 2015

I don't know what happened, but I was not able to load new post on our blog this spring, so these wonderful pictures were not published. I wanted to share them even though we are already in the fall. It is so sweet to relive the moment again. After two weeks of preparation, finally we had the Spring Masquerade. We were down by the playground getting everything ready. For some reason, my assistant who was coming to help me did not appear at the scheduled time, and I wasn't sure how I was going to do it by myself. I had to get everyone dressed and stay as a group to go and wake up the sleeping parents for the spring (the significant part of this event).

Anytime when we invite parents to a preschool event, children get so excited, but some little ones have no clue what is going on. And of course in the midst of the excitement, there was a poopy diaper to change. I did not happen to have a diaper with me, so she had to go with just a tights under her dress costume. While I was attending the diaper situation, one came to tell me that he had an accident.  This was actually a blessing because earlier he didn't want to wear his costume that he made which was a pair of shorts. Now with his pants and underwear wet, he agreed that he needed to wear the costume (very cute shorts dyed in red and green).

Somehow we managed to get all the capes, dresses, hats, shorts on all the children, and we reenacted the spring part of "Root Children" story by Sibylle von Olfers. When the group procession started to spread apart and the youngest one was struggling to keep up, my assistant who was held up unexpectedly at home appeared like an angel to help with the youngest one. Parents were sweetly woken up by their children and handed a yellow daffodil.  

We held hands to make a big circle with all the parents and grandparents, and one neighbor who came to join us. We sang "Winter Good Bye", and went around to introduce ourselves. Everyone brought lovely food for the potluck. We need to thank Mother Nature for raining before and after but not during the event. I forgot to inform parents that it was Alena's last day as an assistant teacher.  Alena helped us from January through March. She was a returning staff from the fall of 2007. I remember Cosmo asking, "Alena, are you a teenager?". Maybe because of her bright whimsical hair or her light laughter. Alena had to explain that she has a big boy who is getting into playing soccer. Teenager or not, we love you Alena and want to thank you for the fun and wonderful time together at preschool.

Thanks to Ryan for great photos and videos.

Excited to wear our hand-made costume





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